Wednesday, November 10, 2010

California election results 2010

If you've read this blog for long, you are well aware that Election Projection is a completely objective prognosticating website run by a staunch conservative Republican. Knowing that, you'll
understand the title of this post. Watching the returns pour in last night was wonderful for me as GOP takeovers accumulated across the nation. Yes, it was a great night. But it wasn't a perfect night. I'm thrilled by the results in the House and happy, though not particularly thrilled, with the results in the Senate. I'm
very disappointed that Harry Reid remains -so much for EP's guarantee.

The House count including all called races stands at 239 Republicans and 186 Democrats with 10 seats yet to be decided. Probably tomorrow, I'll have the undecided races posted here at EP so you can track them over the next several days or weeks (or months?). The current numbers represent a GOP gain of 60 seats.

According to CNN, the estimated final tally will be 243-192. Interestingly, at +64 for the GOP, that happens to be the exact count projected by The Blogging Caesar. I don't know that the numbers will hold, but regardless, I'm pretty satisfied with EP's House projections.


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