A website or blog, whatever the purpose and contents, of course need a lot of visitors. Starting from blogs whose content only the site until the narcissistic story the diamond selling, all need visitors.
Then there may be among the friends who asked, "I've been blogging from the 70s (hehehe..) But why my blog visitors can still count fingers? Finger finger stump people again! "
Well, questions like that arise could be due to insufficient understanding of the nature (wets, very serious nature of the language ..) of the process of visiting someone on our blog. But still, there is a way to attract thousands of visitors to our blog and can be done in 5 minutes!
The trick is to read the clues that I give. Only 5 minutes you read it. 3 month practice. Thousands of visitors come!
There must be disappointed because the title of this article. "He said 5 minutes and hold thousands of visitors coming? Why do so 3 months? Hah, fool! "
Relax folks, calm ...
Precisely through the title that I want to emphasize once again that everything that deals with traffic (the flow of our blog visitors) can never be just a minute five minutes. The belief that it is easy and instant has brought thousands of novice bloggers to the event's destruction. Yes, they are impatient and eventually stop blogging. I do not want the same event happened to our readers
Okay, now you begin to understand and (hopefully) cancel the intention throw and burn earlier.
We start yes.
1. Learn to Write For "THEM"
If you want your blog visited by people, the main requirement that you have to do is to ask yourselves, "why people should come to my blog? What can make them interested in coming to my blog? "
Imagine, if you just write about yourself, your girlfriend, your wife, your children, your new shorts and so on, then chances are that a visit to your blog it's just you, your girlfriend, your wife, your children and your new drawstring merchant it. Why would someone (eg me) came to your blog and read it all? My wife own committee alone is troublesome, why take care of your wife? Anyway I also have a drawstring kok, nda no business at your shorts right? Well, the point is the blog you should be unattractive to people, because you are writing BY and FOR YOU OWN.
Unless you're a celebrity, yes, of course, the above suggestions do not apply.
Blog visitors are people looking for specific information. If you can help them by providing information they seek, of course they will come to your blog with sincerity and resignation. You must give first before accepting. That's the principle of life. Same thing on the internet.
2. Select a Topic You Like and Do not Quit Too Far Topics
Select a topic you like. For example, you are good at playing guitar. You can discuss about the guitar and share tips on playing guitar on all the people who need them. Try to keep your main topic centered on the guitar. You may (again) writes about the new shorts you but still you must be the dominant content of the blog posts about the guitar. Anyway why you insist on writing about the drawstring so. What's your problem? Wonder ...
3. Participate in Social Networking, Online Communities and Forums
Go into the social networking sites such as facebook and twitter and communicate with people who are same sex. I mean in terms of similar interest!
If necessary you can create a page (page) on Facebook as I do in this group. There I gathered my friends who have the same goal of learning the blog. As a result, more and more crowded visited my blog.
You can also find community-specific online community. Living just type in Google, for example, "guitarist community." Then came the portals will ngumpulnya guitar lovers. Join us there and have fun. Do not forget to share all the knowledge you have with others.
Forum is a portal that bigger and more interactive. The principle is the same. Join in there and be helpful, do not become parasites that can only say, "thank you info,"
Do not forget: always include your blog address in every breath you sigh at all the places you visit on top.
4. Spread the Link Blog You
Link, in addition to its function as a marker for bookmarks that people clicking on it, also has an important role in determining the position of your blog in search engines. Thus the scatter link your blog anywhere you can apply them.
Here I give an example yes. For example email. Sometimes we use only a modest e-mail to send a message. And email can be a good means of promotion. You can add your signature in emails and enter your blog URL there. So everytime you send an email, your blog address like a prayer, Mother, is always accompanies.
It could also exchange links (link exhange). If you have a friend bloggers who blog topic with you, then you and she can exchange links. Remember, the blogs that mutual exchange of links should be the same topic. Do not ever exchange links with different subject blog. It's called Jake Sembung Bring Dagger. Search engines do not like the same blog with a link like that.
5. Expand Post Article
Most of the requests can come from search engines. Therefore you need to be diligent to write an article on your blog. If you blog frequently updated, then the search engine robots will see your blog as a blog that is informative and current. If the search robots are hooked together your blog, it will be easier for you to occupy your blog in a good position in search engines.
Time to write articles as much and as good as possible. For my friends who work in an office, fill out the blog content can be done in the holidays. Have fun in writing. Do not think of writing as a burden. Writing is not a burden. The proof writing is never used in the fitness to increase muscle!
The five tips above, if done seriously and in continuous time, God willing, will bring lots of visitors for your blog.
Now you realize it was impossible to bring thousands of visitors in 5 minutes? Nothing is instant, my friend. That's why many bloggers who fall in the middle of the road. But God willing, they are not me and you.
Good luck!
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