Saturday, December 25, 2010

Raise the ranking in Alexa.

Raise the ranking in Alexa - What is the order of his rank on Alexa?

Whether the lower the Alexa ranking will affect your site / blog search engine, (now famous search engines are Google, Yahoo and Bing)

The answer could be yes it could not?


Actually raise its ranking on Alexa is also greatly affect a site / blog that we have, because Alexa is always up tu date in conducting surveys at each performance site and blog. Although Alexa is not really it was a site in unggulkan, but from my point of view that for the smooth running of a site in getting search engine traffic, its really very, very, very essential.

Every player on the internet are always trying to get the first position on search engine pages, and always try to keep adding ideas to reach the top.

I have managed to raise the ranking on Alexa site towards the better. That was my initial ranking of 35 million, now I can be in the position of 2.8 million within 1 month. Maybe By continuing to implement tips that I could do it in the following months I reached a position below 1 million.

I just made some steps in pursuing a position in Alexa as follows:

  1.  Posting on the website / blog that I have, at least three postings I published a good deal.
  2. Enroll in a free or subscription traffic is also very important, for the smooth site then I do it.
  3. Delivering through posting on the social bookmarking digg and twitter, because the more we give information to the forum will create a site / blog will be in the know of many people.
  4. Always be patient and continue to point 1.2 and to 3 on a regular basis, may be affected by increasing your site and blog.

Although it may be many who actually think this is not essential, but believe that no one else in this world that is not useful, mulaialah of things that are small but profitable for him.


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