Saturday, January 8, 2011

Eight Limbs: Ashtanga Yoga

Did you know that Ashtanga means literally “eight limbs? It is a reference to the eight elements that will help define your lifestyle. You will find that your limbs will cover all the attitudes that you have towards that world. Make sure that your attitude towards yourself and the art of yoga considers the eight limbs.

This is better known as power yoga, but you will find that if you do some specialized form of Hatha yoga you will be able to use the third and forth limbs when it comes to poses and breathing exercises. You will find that it will provide an intense workout.
Six series of poses within Ashtanga yoga allow for steps of progression in skill, strength, and flexibility. After learning the order of poses from an instructor (the first series includes 75 poses and can take two hours to complete), students often practice Ashtanga independently. This will allow you to progress at your own pace, but also master each series one at a time.


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