Saturday, December 4, 2010

Russians deny send global spam

BBC Indonesia

A Russian man accused of operating the business e-mail spam or junk email bulk estimated at one third of global spam declare myself not guilty in federal court in the state of Wisconsin, USA.

Oleg Nikolaenko charged with running a global network consisting of more than 500,000 personal computers that are transmitted virus, which is a violation of law spam anti-American.

Nikolaenko requested that he be detained under house arrest while awaiting trial begins.

But the judge ordered him detained in prison without collateral because he has a high risk of escaping.

"He is a citizen and resident of Russia and the government sure if released he would try to go back there and the government there will not be able to prosecute him," prosecutors said Erica O'Neill.

Network alleged operation, called botnets, using personal computers of other people who transmitted the virus who were given a special code to send billions of email messages.

Team prosecutors say the computers are then able to send about 10 billion emails per day.

Some observers say a variety of email spam sent from the network it never amounted to one third of the world's spam email.

Kikolaenko charged with violating anti-spam laws already applied for seven years, the CAN-SPAM Act, by deliberately falsifying information in these messages and send email ads at least 2500 spam email messages per day.


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