Thursday, December 23, 2010


HOW TO INCREASE BLOG TRAFFIC THROUGH THE GOOGLE SEARCH - How to improve your blog or web traffic is very, very largely depend on the google search results. His logic this way, nearly all Internet users use Google as a search engine, and your blog or website that signed up in google search results page (first page) had visited a greater percentage than your blog or web page indexed in the next. This term is known as a SERP (Search Engine Resutl Page) or search result pages. 

So the importance of the SERP for a website or blog to the existing knowledge to achieve 1 or top 10 SERP google. This technique is called SEO or (Search Engine Optimization / optomation / optimizer). It can be ascertained if the blog or the web we get into the SERP optimal or 10 major traffic or visitors then we are also abundant. So how to improve the visitor depending on the SERP. Well if already understand the logic that it needs to be done to increase visitor traffic your blog or website we are the SEO. The most basic technique to master of SEO include:

1. Election KEYWORD

2. increase PAGERANK

Well let's discuss one by one

1. What is a keyword? keyword is the keyword. Key words here mean that it is the key word used by people in search type in the serch engine one search engine is google. Example keyword: "how", "create", "technique" and so forth. In general, people very rarely typing a single word in google search, because it keywors usually a phrase, for example "how to make email".


To select the keyword or keyword phrase, we must be observant compare keywords anywhere that are sought or typed on google. For that we can use the google tool. Do not choose keywords that are rarely in search of people. Its tools for free.

https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal

there can be some keyword analysis, even a sentence, how many times the search in one month, stay type the keywords you want in the research, could direct some of the keyword or phrase directly. After the results appear click on the words of Global Monthly Search Volume for sorting.

Well keywords've got but wait let's see our competitors,

This is important because even if the search keywords that we select high but if competitors or our competitors are also high then it impossible for our web masu SERP 1 or 10. Please search for keyword selection tests we had to google search then see the word Results 1 - 10 of about well that's the number of our competitors. Ideally the high number of searches and search results a bit low or rival. Therefore we must be observant and repeatedly seek keywor right, not just one word, use the sentence to one word only because it is almost certain to be difficult.
Okay congratulations to analyze, compare and calculate.


Well if the keyword is acquired then the stay is placed at position 2 is important to be in value more by google. Where is that important position? in a web page or blog in question must have keywords in the tags is key to look at your web page code, for the mozilla browser on the view menu then click the page source.
You must have keywords in the tags
-H3 h4 .. .. -.. dst or a heading called
-Must exist in the text or content of posts or the body text
-In the sentence that contains links In alt-picture, tittle picture or image name in pairs or ALT LINK
-In the meta-tag for this please search tutorial
-In the drop-down box if there is
-In filename
-In a domain name or the name of the blog
-In the first 20 words

His technique can be very varied but if those keywords are placed correctly it will be a big point, of course these points sequentially, tittle has the highest points and conformance with keyword placement hereinafter also get additional points. Therefore, optimization of keywords do not half-half and try to repeat keywords too often in sentences as natural as possible. For bloggers usually keywords in the title is automatically due to a particular script, so it automatically is in conformity with the title of the posting, please check.


What is Pagerank? PageRank is a ranking web pages based on the number of links to such web page . Pagerank has a significant effect on the SERP. Incoming link is also called INBOUNDLINK is the link to our website. So if we click it will open a web page or blog. Think about it like this Pagerank computation

For pagerank 0 means no inboundlink from another web

Pagerank 0-1 total inboundlink 12:15 - 1
Pagerank 1-2 number inboundlink 10-10
Pagerank 2-3 inboundlink number 10 -100
Pagerank 3-4 number inboundlink 100-1000
Pagerank 4-5 inboundlink number 1000-10000
Pagerank 5-6 inboundlink number 10000-100000
Pagerank 6-7 inboundlink number 100000-1000000
Pagerank 7-8 inboundlink number 1000000-10000000
Pagerank 8-9 inboundlink number 10 million to 100 million
Pagerank 9 -10 total 100 million more inboundlink

What is your pagerank? The only way to increase pagerank is to place a link on your website or blog with high pagerank because the formula:
PR (Your webpage) = 0.15 + 0.85 [(PR (Page A) / Total Link (page A) + (PR (Page B) / Total Link (Page B)) + ...]

increase pagerank there are some tricks because not all willingly entrusted blog or web links. There are many tips to get INBOUNDLINK


As he mentioned above Pagerank affect our position on google, but often his web page rank lower position higher than on the web that pegeranknya higher. Why be like that. Already know the answer .. BECAUSE low pagerank web is more OKE in its keyword placement. So if the proper placement of keywords so that more high pagerank win ..


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